The only item that can’t be resisted is the damage from the Mantle of Woe, but check out the next cheat to beat that.Įnchant exquisite clothes, rings, and amulets with a constant restore health effect. To resist the harmful effects of otherwise awesome equipment, cast a Resist Magicka 100% for 1 second spell on yourself, and equip whatever you want during that one second.

The items won’t disapear, so you can then grab it and keep it. Then take it out and throw it on the ground until the time expires. Now unequip the Bound item and put it in your inventory. Want to keep a Bound item? Cast the Bound spell and enter your inventory. *Some of the previous cheats, such as setmagicka, can lead to your computer crashing if given too great a value. Toggletexturestring or tts Toggle texture string Togglemagicstats or tms Toggle magic statistics

Togglekillstats or tks Toggle kill statistics Togglefullhelp or tfh Show ownership and script name Toggledialoguestats or tds Toggle dialogue statistics Togglecollisiongrid or tcg Toggle collision grid Togglecollisionboxes or tcb Toggle collision boxes Togglecombatstats or tcs Toggle combat statistics Testinteriorcells or tic Test interior cells Setdestruction Set destruction skill level setalterration Set alteration skill level setillusion Set illusion skill level setconjuration Set conjuration skill level setmysticism Set mysticism skill level setrestoration Set restoration skill level setenchant Set enchant skill level setalchemy Set alchemy skill level setunarmored Set unarmored skill level setsecurity Set security skill level setsneak Set sneak skill level setacrobatics Set acrobatics skill level setlightarmor Set light armor skill level setshortblade Set short blade skill level setmarksman Set marksman skill level setmercantile Set mercantile skill level setspeechcraft Set speechcraft skill level sethandtohand Set hand to hand skill level setreputation Set reputation levelĬenteroncell Place character in the named cellĬoc " " " " " " " centeronexterior Place character in the exterior cell gridĬoe " " " " " " " filljournal Show all entries to journalįixmeJump 128 units away from current location Setbluntweapon Set blunt weapon skill level Setheavyarmor Set heavy armor skill level

Setmediumarmor Set medium armor skill level Setintelligence number> Set inteligence value Additem gold_100 /strong> Add indicated amount of gold